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Samsun Exhibition and Convention Centre

Samsun Exhibition and Convention Centre is established in cooperation between Samsun Governor's Office, Samsun Metropolitan Municipality, Samsun CCI, Samsun Commodity Exchange and Ondokuz Mayıs University. İn order to gain support from Middle Black Sea Development Agency (OKA), within the scope of OKA "Guided Projects Support" several negotiations with the agency has been done since 2010.

As the results of the negotiations, pre-Memorandum of Understanding was signed in 15.10.2010. The Project will become Black Sea region's first Exhibition and Convention Centre and project agreement was signed and entered into application on 29.06.2011. The 18 months project has reached its final stage and Samsun Exhibition and Convention Centre is expected to become operational inn 2013.

Phone : +90 (362) 432 36 26
Fax : +90 (362) 432 90 55
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Address : Yenimahalle Mah. 839.Sokak No:120 CANİK / SAMSUN
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