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Samsun Accredited Metal Metrology and Calibration Laboratory

Operational Agreement of Samsun Accredited Metal Metrology and Calibration Laboratory Project has been signed on February 1,2012 hosted by Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry-Projector Institution.

The laboratory project, having a budget about 7,5 Million Euro, has been prepared under the measures of Research&Development, Innovation, Technology and Development of Information-Communication Technologies Infrastructure of IPA Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme of European Union/ T.R. Science, Industry and Technology Ministry and planned for meeting the needs in related sectors regarding every kind of measurement, settings, calibration and control.

With this laboratory that is being planned to be established in Samsun Organized Industrial Zone on an area of 4600m2, information will be produced for metal industry to be more competitive and to have a structure applicable for export. Product quality and standards will be raised, productivity will be increased, production costs will be reduced by following the innovations on products and production methods, it will be certificated that the product has a quality in EU and World standards by providing SME's with modern and hightech production methods. Within this scope n the region, lots of producers and exporters will get analysis over 1000, R&D support services and trainings and they will provide their production will be high quality-low cost in a shorter time, especially they will get various export-led tests, analysis and R&D services. Thus, it will be possible to decrease differences between socio-economic developments and economic strength of the region can reach the EU standards and competitiveness level of our companies will rise as a result of increasing sale, employment and R&D possibilities.

With "Samsun Accredited Metal Metrology and Calibration Laboratory", the necessity to go to the labs in Ankara, İstanbul, Mersin, İzmir for lots of analysis that can not be realized in the region will be considerably eliminated.

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