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Enterprise Europe Network
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Enterprise Europe Network

Enterprise Europe Network Blacksea-Turkey (Enterprise Europe Network – Black Sea, Turkey)is a consortium being in service within Competitiveness and Innovation Programme approved by Turkish Grand National Assembly on November 25, 2008. This consortium operates with with 5 partners (Directorate of KOSGEB Samsun Service Center, Directorate of KOSGEB Trabzon Service Center, Trabzon CCI, Zonguldak CCI) and 7 relay offices (Ordu CCI, Kastamonu CCI, Çorum CCI, Commodity Exchange Market of Kastamonu, Giresun CCI, Tokat CCI, Sinop CCI) under the coordinatorship of Samsun CCI.

In accordance with the goals of the network, the function of Samsun CCI is to find partners to the local enterprises in foreign countries to develop their business and export and also their technology and information levels. Enterprise Europe Network-Blacksea has been organizing seminars, conferences, congress, country days, matchmaking events, domestic and international fair visits on its activity area, and the Blacksea consortium has reached about 1000 people yearly with these activities. Besides, it has published publications on various issues related to business world with the aim of ensuring the members and businessmen do business in abroad and informing them about current oportunities and threats. Also it has realized important activities on encouring participation of SME's to 7th Framework Programme, increasing the local awareness and recognition of the Network, ensuring the participation of SME's to EU programmes by introducing the EU policies, presenting its services levelly, guiding for customers to the optimal service provider, ensuring the continous increase of the service quality and providing the participation of SME's to public policy by receiving the feedbacks.

Phone : +90 (362) 432 36 26
Fax : +90 (362) 432 90 55
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Address : Yenimahalle Mah. 839.Sokak No:120 CANİK / SAMSUN
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