Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
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Samsun CCI
Assembly of Court
Executive Board
Disciplinary Board
Court Members
Account Review Commission
Regulatory Commission
General Secretariat
Organization Chart
Quality and Accreditation
1901: Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was built under the name of Canik Chamber of Commerce and Industry as one of the old name of Samsun by Mutasarrıf Hamdi Bey.
1905: The 2 storey building at İskele Street 13/15 was bought and the second floor was used as Chamber and Commerce and Industry.
1931: The Commodity and Product Exchange was established at first floor of the building.
1936: The service period of Mr. Nemli Zade Hamdi and Mr. Yelkenci Zade Şükrü who was in charge as the chairman of the chamber was undefined. Mr. Şahinzade Nuri took the office  in 21.01.1936 and continued his service until 23.12.1943.
1943: This year after the earthquake,the chairman of the chamber, Mr Süleyman Balkan bought a 3 storey wooden building which was operated as Karadeniz Hotel and used it as the new service building of the Chamber.
1950: The Law of “Chambers of Commerce and Industry”, “Chambers of Commerce” “Chamber of Industry”, Chambers of Shipping”, “Commodity Exchanges” and “ The Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Shipping and Comodity Exchange of Turkey” has been enacted.
1970: The 8.5 storey of our service and office building has been build.
1981: The first enterprising institutions was created in 2.11.1981, under the Leadership of Samsun Governor, in cooperations with Samsun Special Provincial Administration, Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Samsun Municipality.
1993: Kavak Organized Industrial Zone was established.
1994: German-Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry started their activity in 1994. The institutions is establised under the Law of Chambers and Commodity Exchange in Turkey, and until now it is the only chamber that has the characteristic of being two-sided chamber.
1996: Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry primary school began its educational activities.
1996: Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry started to launch its website with the x25 data line that is set up to the system.
1997: Samsun EU Information Bureau was established to provide information needed by the people of Samsun and the region in the issues of  The European Union policies, enlargement process and the EU-Turkey relations.
1998-1999: Ourfirst Overseas Technical Study Tour was held (TUNUS).
1999: “Haber Gazetesi”,  The media organ of Samsun Chamber Of Commerce and Industry started to broadcast.
2001: Institute of Economics was established  for arranging periodic course programs in the area of foreign trade, export-import, marketing, business management, insurance, commercial English.
2003: Samsun European Information Center was established within Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry to provide informations, assistans, consulting and documentation services for Samsun’s enterpreneur.
Samsun EU Information Centre is the first project that received a grant from the European Union.
2004: Our chamber was certified with quality management system of TS-EN-ISO 9001: 2008 standards within the scope of TSE Quality System Certificate and its Annex, dated 03.12.2004, and numbered KY-3443/04
2004: Samsun Service Unit of Turkish Subcontracting Exchange began its operations.
2004: Law of Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges & Chambers and Commodity Exchange has been accepted.
2005: Technology Development Center (TDC-TEKMER) was established to support R & D activities of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, to form knowledge-based and technology-based small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises and other similar goal,
with the aim of determining the upcoming procedures of cooperation.
2005: "Samsun Business Directory 2005" was prepared to introduce the members of our Chamber, give easy access to our members of entrepreneurs in our country and in the World, so they could open up to the World. The directory was distributed to our province, domestically inside our country and to commercial attache of our country abroad.
2006: Our Chamber has been accredited within the scope of Chamber Accreditation Project, after the evaluation of the Accreditation Council on 12.Mayıs.2006.
2007: Samsun Export Days was held in order to contribute to Samsun’s Export, bringing together Samsun’s manufacturers and exporters companies with foreign importers.
2007: Women Enterpreneur Committe began their active duty.
2009: Samsun Food Organized İndustrial Zone was established.
2009: Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry Education Foundation was established.
2009: A protocol was signed for the establishment of Samsun Technopark Inc. aimed to ensure the lowest cost with the highest efficiency production and thereby providing greater competition and speeding up the R & D activities in order to increase their innovation efforts.
2009: The works has begun for the establishment of Samsun Exhibition and Convention Centre which would be one of the important pillars of national and international trade.
2009: Young Enterpreneur Committe began their active duties.
2009: “Açılım” magazine started to publish.
2012: Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry was certified with “A Quality Service Certificate” by TOBB.

List of President of Executive Board of Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry; after Mr. Süleyman Balkan’s Office; from 1948 until today;

19.08.1948 03.08.1949 HÜSEYİN SABUNCUOĞLU 07.01.1970 12.12.1971 TEVFİK MESUTOĞLU
03.08.1949 24.11.1949 TAHSİN MUTİOĞLU 12.12.1971 05.01.1972 AHMET BAYRAKTAR
24.11.1949 30.04.1953 NURİ CERİD 13.01.1972 20.12.1972 FİKRET ALTUNİÇ
30.04.1953 10.02.1954 TAHSİN MUTİOĞLU 20.12.1972 20.11.1973 MEHMET BAŞ
10.02.1954 19.11.1956 NURİ CERİD 20.11.1973 25.11.1977 FERİDUN ARIKAN
19.11.1956 23.12.1959 ESAT KİTAPLIOĞLU 25.11.1977 25.11.1980 YÜCEL TÜRE
23.12.1959 22.06.1960 CAVİT ORAL 25.11.1980 02.09.1991 MEHMET ÇEBİ
22.06.1960 05.08.1960 SAMİ OLGUN 02.09.1991 27.03.1992 NAFİZ KAYA
05.08.1960 05.10.1960 KERİM YURTSEVER 27.03.1992 01.11.1995 ADNAN SAKOĞLU
05.10.1960 16.11.1961 TAHSİN MUTİOĞLU 01.11.1995 23.10.1999 ADNAN SAKOĞLU
16.11.1961 29.11.1963 MUSTAFA ŞAHİNKAYA 23.10.1999 10.03.2005 ADNAN SAKOĞLU
29.11.1963 07.01.1970 CENGİZ BALKAN 10.03.2005 13.02.2009 ADNAN SAKOĞLU
13.02.2009 10.05.2013 SALİH ZEKİ MURZİOĞLU
10.05.2013 incumbent SALİH ZEKİ MURZİOĞLU

Unfortunately we couldnt reach the informations about the person who performed duty as president of the Assembly before the year 1936.

21.01.1936 07.02.1939 NURİ ŞAHİNOĞLU 14.12.1972 22.11.1973 AHMET BAYRAKTAR
07.02.1939 16.01.1940 MUSTAFA ALDIKAÇTI 22.11.1973 22.11.1974 HAMİ TAŞAN
28.01.1940 30.05.1947 SÜLEYMAN BALKAN 22.11.1974 15.03.1990 VEDAT AYDAR
30.05.1947 21.05.1953 TAHSİN MUTİOĞLU 15.03.1990 27.03.1992 FİKRET ALTUNİÇ
21.05.1953 22.10.1954 NURETTİN CERİD 27.03.1992 23.10.1993 YÜCEL TÜRE
22.10.1954 16.12.1959 SEDAT KAPTAN 23.10.1993 01.11.1995 FAHRETTİN ULUSOY
16.12.1959 28.12.1966 AZMİ VAROL 01.11.1995 23.10.1999 ALAATTİN ÇAKIR
28.12.1966 01.12.1969 HAMİ TAŞAN 23.10.1999 10.03.2005 ALAATTİN ÇAKIR
01.12.1969 30.11.1971 AHMET BAYRAKTAR 10.03.2005 13.02.2009 ALAATTİN ÇAKIR
30.11.1971 14.12.1972 VEDAT AYDAR 13.02.2009 10.05.2013 SEDAT DEMİRCİ
      10.05.2013 incumbent MUHARREM DURMUŞOĞLU
Phone : +90 (362) 432 36 26
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Address : Yenimahalle Mah. 839.Sokak No:120 CANİK / SAMSUN
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