Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
Tel : +90 362 432 36 26 | Contact
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Executive Department
Office Of Secretary General
Department Of Registration
Department Of Trade Registration
Department Of Accounting
Press And PR Department
Department of Foreign Relations
Department of Industry
Department Of Domestic Trade
Department Of IT And Docum.
Department Of Administrative
Office Of Secretary General

The secretary general of Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry is chief administrator of the chamber’s employees.

Under the law described by the 5174’th rule, governmental decrees and instructions the secretary general who is the person on the top of chamber’s business hierarchy, performs all the work and written communication of the chamber. He is responsible for the arrangment of the documentaries presented by the chamber and the collection of the data needed to be able to prepare these documentaries.

The secretary general also responsible to plan the budget outlines and presenting it to the executive board. He is also responsible for the tasks of providing services for the protection of service building and safetyness of the registered moveable properties. The secretary general is responsible for the management work in the most efficient way and performes duties regarded to employers assignment, promotiong, personal rights and punishments . The secretary general is the person who is first responsible against the executive board of Samsun Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry and he has to organize and apply the decisions taken by the executive board.

There are 3 deputy Secretary General in the organization and there the tasks are distributed among the 3 deputies.

Phone : +90 (362) 432 36 26
Fax : +90 (362) 432 90 55
E-Mail :
Address : Yenimahalle Mah. 839.Sokak No:120 CANİK / SAMSUN
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