Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
Tel : +90 362 432 36 26 | Contact
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Executive Department
Office Of Secretary General
Department Of Registration
Department Of Trade Registration
Department Of Accounting
Press And PR Department
Department of Foreign Relations
Department of Industry
Department Of Domestic Trade
Department Of IT And Docum.
Department Of Administrative
Department Of Information Technology And Documentation

This department provides the automation and perfectly functioning of our data processing system for the services to be done in a healthy way by our chamber. It develops additionally appropriate systems for the softwares and hardwares currently being used in our association by evaluating the extra needs.

Does the necessary changes in the current applications and builds the new applications parallel to the requests and informs the end-users, gives them the enough support when help needed.

Determines the malfunctions related with computers and provides the expected corrective service.

Takes the necessary precautions for backing up the data.

Converts the analog data and documentary which comes from the registration archive to digital data. Increases the safetyness and the accessing availability of the data.

This department is also responsible for Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s web page that serves both in Turkish and English, to introduce the chamber globally in a more effective way.

Phone : +90 (362) 432 36 26
Fax : +90 (362) 432 90 55
E-Mail :
Address : Yenimahalle Mah. 839.Sokak No:120 CANİK / SAMSUN
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