Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
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Executive Department
Office Of Secretary General
Department Of Registration
Department Of Trade Registration
Department Of Accounting
Press And PR Department
Department of Foreign Relations
Department of Industry
Department Of Domestic Trade
Department Of IT And Docum.
Department Of Administrative
Board of Directors

Executive board of the chamber, is selected every 4 years, the board consists of 5 executive, if the assembly has less then 20 member; 7 executives if the chamber has 20-29 assembly member; 9 executives member if the chamber has 30-39 assembly member; 11 executives member if the chamber has 40 or more assembly member. The Executive Board of Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry has 11 members, consists of one president of board, two vice president, an accountant, and 7 executive members.

The assembly selects the president of the Board of Directors, regular and alternate members in a single list from among its members. The Board of Directors shall elect one or two vice-president and an accountant for four years from among its members.

Person who performs duty as president of executive board for 2 consecutive service period, can not be selected to performs the same duty unless they excees two election period.

President, and members of executive board, must not have duty in other chamber or commodity exchange’s assembly.

The meeting agenda of the board is set by president of executive board and in the absence of president, the agenda is set by authorized vice president. In addition, before the meeting starts, new issues can be added to the agenda, with reference from at least one third of the the Board of Directors members.

The duties of Chamber’s Board of Directors are:

  • To carry out the work within the framework of legislation and parliamentary decisions of teh chamber.
  • To present budget of the chamber, their final accounts and transfer proposals and report the activity to the general assembly.
  • To presents monthly account reports to assembly meeting for the examination and approval.
  • To decide the recruitment process of the chamber’s staff and ending employment contract, promotion and trasfer of the employee.
  • To give authority to disciplinary board to do investigation, and to ensure the implementation of disipline punishment or penalty fine in accordance with this Law.
  • To prepare the arbitrator, referee and expert list and present it to the assembly for approval.
  • To certify the documents prescribed in the law and related regulation.
  • To present annual reports related to the chamber’s economic activity and industrial situation of the region.
  • To present the submitted internal regulations of the chamber.
  • Make all kinds of analysis of trade and industry, to keep indexs and statistics of the commercial and industrial activities in the study area, to track and record market prices of specified substances determinated by the assembly, and to declare them through appropriate means.
  • To adjudicate disciplinary affairs of the chamber’s staff in the relevant legislation within the framework of the principles and procedures in the law.
  • To reward their members who pays tax at a high level, doing exports and developing technology.
  • To promote and to encourage social activities in condition that provided in the budget, make a donation and benefit, provide scholarships, make schools and classrooms with the approval of general assembly.
  • To choose arbritator or arbitratory board.
  • To fulfill tasks given to the chamber by the law and other legislation, and specifically others task that can not be left to other organs.
Phone : +90 (362) 432 36 26
Fax : +90 (362) 432 90 55
E-Mail :
Address : Yenimahalle Mah. 839.Sokak No:120 CANİK / SAMSUN
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