Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
Tel : +90 362 432 36 26 | Contact
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Executive Department
Office Of Secretary General
Department Of Registration
Department Of Trade Registration
Department Of Accounting
Press And PR Department
Department of Foreign Relations
Department of Industry
Department Of Domestic Trade
Department Of IT And Docum.
Department Of Administrative
Domestic Trade Department

This department is responsible of estimation of the approximate cost, loss and efficiency, researching them and taking care of the courts and replying requests coming from other governmental associations and handle the issues about related topics. The Domestic Trade department also handle the process related to Digital tacograph, Business Machine procedure and TIR carnets.

Phone : +90 (362) 432 36 26
Fax : +90 (362) 432 90 55
E-Mail :
Address : Yenimahalle Mah. 839.Sokak No:120 CANİK / SAMSUN
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